Infant Swim Resource
Infant Swimming Resource
June 5, 2018

How to Spot a Fake

ISR’s growth means more children than ever before have the ISR Skills they would need to save their own life if they found themselves in the water alone. The only unfortunate by-product of our growth is that we have seen an unprecedented surge in individuals who claim they are offering ISR when, in fact, they are not. All too often, we hear from families who believed they were entrusting the safety of their infants and young children to ISR and a Certified ISR Instructor, only to later find out that they had been purposely misled. We have created a quick reference guide for you so you can be sure your child is working with a current Infant Swimming Resource Certified Instructor.

All Certified Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) Instructors:

Have an email address ending in

Can provide parents with a copy of their current ISR Certificate for review

Offer lessons five consecutive days per week, for a maximum of 10 minutes each day

Will require your child to be registered through ISR’s Online Registration Process and approved to begin lessons by our Registration Evaluation Team (approval email will come from an email address ending in

Complete the Daily BUDS Discussion form with you prior to each lesson

Additionally, all Certified Infant Swimming Resource Instructors have the ability to list themselves on the ISR Instructor Locator which you can access under the “Find an Instructor” heading on the left of this window. Please note that current ISR Instructors may elect to remove themselves from the Instructor Locator if, for example, they are not accepting new students due to all their sessions being full.

Finally, our team is happy to assist you should you wish to confirm the Certified ISR status of any swim instructor. Please click here to submit your inquiry and our team will reach out to you directly: