For ISR mom Erin, ISR Certified Instructor Lisa Beers’ instruction proved invaluable when her son, Michael, wandered to a nearby canal. ISR Self-Rescue™ lessons combined with Erin’s critical choice to check the water first saved Michael. Read the testimonial Erin shared earlier this month to learn more about her lifesaving ISR experience.
Good afternoon, I want to start off by telling you how grateful we are for having Lisa Beers in our life as our ISR instructor and the amazing ISR life saving skills she taught our son Michael. On January 3, 2013, I was participating in a mommy boot camp class at a local park here in Wellington, FL. During the class, which takes place in an open soccer field, one of the other moms volunteered to watch Michael, my 15 month old, and a few other babies while I went for a short jog. I was gone for no more than 2 minutes, and on my return I quickly noticed Michael was not where he should be. I instantly panicked and began looking all over for Michael. My heart just about stopped when I noticed the water rippling in a canal about twenty yards away. I ran over as fast as possible, fearing the worst, and pleading to let him be okay. What I saw was absolutely amazing. My 15 month little guy was floating in the middle of the canal. Doing EXACTLY what he was trained to do. He SAVED himself! I dove in, swam out and grabbed him. He was OKAY, shaken up of course and freezing as the water was quite cold, but he was PERFECT and ALIVE! I cannot put into words how deeply appreciative we are for the Lisa and our ISR classes and her patience with Michael. We are forever indebted to the ISR program!
To learn more about ISR Self-Rescue™ lessons, please visit our Instructor Locator to contact an ISR Certified Instructor in your area.