Infant Swim Resource
Infant Swimming Resource
September 2, 2011

Labor Day - Having a Pool Party?

Labor Day Weekend often means pool parties. Here are a few quick pool party Q&A's for keeping your family safe around the pool this holiday weekend.

Supervision guidelines for pool parties follow the same rules for normal pool supervision with the added complication of multiple children in the pool at the same time.

Segmented Supervision

Supervision responsibilities should be segmented into agreed upon periods of time, about 20 minutes, using an egg timer to mark “in-pool” time. The adult with the timer is NOT to be disturbed or distracted by other parents and friends attending the party – their ONLY responsibility is watching the children in the water and making sure the one- on-one supervision is maintained by everyone. When the timer goes off, everyone gets out of the pool until the next supervised segment begins.

Should I Hire a Lifeguard?

Lifeguards can be hired but pool time should still be segmented for supervision purposes and to ensure that children do not become overly tired and bathroom breaks for some are mandatory. Remember, no one will watch your child as well as you will.

What Emergency Supplies Should be on Hand?

Make a plan to handle injuries and emergency situations well before the invitations go out. In addition to a standard first aid kit for children, a floating ring attached to a rope and a pool hook should be immediately available in the pool area (but never allowed to be used as toys).

Are my Pool Drains up to Code?

Drain entrapments are a serous danger. Please make sure your pool drains are federally compliant with the P&SSA Act. For a full list of manufactureres of the Virginia Graeme Baker- compliant products visit

Download ISR's Family Aquatic Safety List for your home.

Remember, even if your child has had swimming lessons, no child is drown-proof and there is absolutely no substitute for adult supervision.