Infant Swim Resource
Infant Swimming Resource

Find ISR Certified Swim Schools and Infant Swimming Lessons Near You

Welcome to Infant Swimming Resource’s (ISR) swimming lessons and instructor finder! Our mission is to ensure the safety of your little ones by providing access to the best certified ISR instructors. Our instructors offer swim schools and swim lessons designed to equip your child with life-saving water skills through proven self-rescue techniques.

Search for a Certified ISR Instructor

Don’t see your city listed below? No problem! Use our convenient search bar to find a certified ISR instructor near you. Simply enter your address, zip code, or city to get started. Our tool will show you all the swim school instructors within 100 miles of your location, making it easy to find infant swim schools and survival swimming lessons right in your neighborhood.
Finding the right swim school and swim lessons for your child is just a click away. Start your search today and give your child the gift of water safety.

Want to Become an ISR Instructor?

Are you passionate about water safety and looking to make a difference? Do you want to become a certified ISR instructor? Our comprehensive training program provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to teach life-saving swimming lessons to infants and young children.
To find out more and schedule a time to talk with one of our team members, visit the ISR Careers page.

Popular Cities for Swimming Lessons

We’ve made it easy for you to explore instructors in some of the most popular cities. Click on any of the links below to see a list of certified ISR instructors within 100 miles of these locations.